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Best Ways to Increase AdSense CPCs in 2022


Best Ways to Increase AdSense CPCs in 2022

Before discussing the main ways to increase your AdSense CPC let's first define the term CPC or "cost per click". If you use Google AdSense on your web pages you know that these ads come from Google's AdWords advertising program. Advertisers using AdWords Plan to pay Google for every click on their ad.

When you place an AdSense block on your web pages and blogs you get paid a percentage of what advertisers pay to Google. Currently this is 68% of the ad's bid. So if someone pays $2 per click on a specific ad for a specific keyword you get $1.36 per click. Visitors to your website will click on the ad if Google has placed it on your page.

What you need to do is do your best to maximize your cost-per-click price so that the ads on your pages and blog posts bring you the most bang for your buck every time a visitor clicks. This involves getting Google to place the highest possible value ads on your pages. you can't decide to Advertise yourself - Google decides based on several aspects of your web page/blog page/blog post.

There are two factors involved here: CPC and CTR (click-through rate) - the latter is the percentage of visitors who actually click on an ad instead of just reading the page and ignoring the ad. A high CTR is generally better than a high CPC.

So if you get a 2% CTR on an ad with a CPC of $0.75 (2 visitors per 100 ad clicks) then this is better than getting an ad with a CPC of $1.20 1% CTR is better. The former will set you back $10.20 per 1,000 visits (68% of $15) while the latter will only make you $8.16 So CTR It's not just revenue per click that matters. How many clicks usually make your money is not always the cost per click.

These are just examples: your earnings per 1000 visitors will depend on the relevance of your AdSense ads to your visitors and the placement of the ads on your site. There's a lot more you can do to increase your CTR but let's focus first on how to attract the best paid ads: Those with the highest CPC.

1. Get Quality Traffic

This is the first tip on how to increase your AdSense CPC. Many people save it for last or don't even mention it at all. My point is that if your visitors aren't paying attention to your niche properly they won't click on ads related to it. You have to make sure your traffic is looking for your identity advertisement.

Many people use AdSense on their website and assume that Google will serve relevant ads. As you'll soon learn this is true. But while you may be wrong to think that your CPC won't change because of failing to achieve relevance to your page your CTR will certainly change. Few people will click on an ad that isn't related to the keyword or phrase they used to get to your site.

Google uses a number of metrics when deciding which pages get the most clicks, one of which is almost certainly the click-through rate of the ads they serve. The higher the CTR for a URL the higher the CPC you may receive when your AdSense ad refreshes on that page URL.

Google's AdSense customers are advertisers and the company will do everything in its power to ensure that those paid advertisers get their money's worth -- or a good conversion rate from a click. If you're not driving your visitors to pages or blog posts that are of strong interest topic of your page or post then your CTR may be low. Read our publications to increase your blog traffic.

Not only that but some of those visitors may click on the ads just to see what they are - with no intention of buying. Google's TOS is very strict with AdSense and if you get too many clicks on your site to make a sale you may find your account canceled for life.

It is also important for your webpage to be relevant to a specific keyword for you to receive ads for that keyword and for your visitors to have a strong enough interest in the topic for them to click on the ad and seriously consider purchasing a product .

Otherwise Google has its own way of analyzing your site's performance and you may experience a reduction in higher CPC ads on your pages. So make sure traffic to your blog or website follows links or direct ads promoting your specific niche.

2. Do Your Research

The second tip on how to increase your AdSense CPC is equally important. You have to research your niche to get the highest paying keywords. The way AdWords works is that advertisers bid on keywords. The more they pay per click for a particular keyword the more their ad will show on Google SERPS. Niche is irrelevant - what is relevant is what each advertiser is willing to bid to get their number one ad or even page one position on the Google SERPS for that keyword.

Take What You Get: As mentioned earlier you cannot choose which AdWords ads to display in the AdSense block. Google decides based on how relevant your page is to the keyword. You may see ads appearing on page 1 or 20 of the SERPS. Ads on page 1 obviously cost more Click than on page 20 - so your 68% share is also bigger.

Keyword Selection: This means that you must also figure out which keywords should be used for pages that contain AdSense and the semantics used on the pages. Google uses an algorithm very similar to its LSI algorithm to determine the meaning of your page. The ad it places on that page or blog post will be associated with What Google's algorithm thinks about the content of that page. If you want to target high-priced keywords choose one and design your entire page around that keyword.

AdSense SEO Basics: Your title tag and meta description should include your target keyword as should your H1 title and at least one H2 title. The vocabulary you use in your page content should be semantically related to the target keyword and your image "alt" attribute should include it as well. Where is AdSense Worrying about classic SEO techniques definitely helps ensure you get the highest CPC ads you have on your page.

Do your research and identify the keywords your high paying ads are targeting - the highest AdSense CPC. If you want to get the highest CPC ads optimize your pages or blog posts for these keywords. However the content of the entire domain is also important.

3. The Entire Domain Counts

Google isn't stupid it takes into account your entire domain's theme. You can't post pages that cover a broad range of topics and expect to receive relevant ads on every topic. Google will look at the authority of your entire website and its relevance to the highest paying keywords. Authoritative websites can Since Google takes care of its advertisers it can get more expensive keywords in return.

If your site isn't seen as focused on a specific keyword you're likely to get a lower-priced keyword -- based on the content of that page, not the overall authority of your site or blog relative to your primary target keyword.

So be realistic about your AdSense earnings expectations as Google won't reward you with the highest CPC ads unless it's confident that your blog will serve its customers well enough to attract genuine interest in what they do of visitors' high-quality clicks advertise. One way to convince Google to increase your average CPC is to convince its algorithm that your domain is the authority on the specific keywords you target.

4. Balance the number of ad blocks and content length

You can set up any number of AdSense blocks on your pages. However unless your content or blog post is long enough don't add too many ad units. Remember what you read above: Google assigns ads based on your content!

If your content doesn't provide enough information for Google's algorithms to block your ads you may find that your pages contain irrelevant ads, even some public ads! These are general ads that are not relevant to your niche and will significantly lower your average CPC. Many people use only one or two ad blocks on short content pages for better results as all ads will be more focused on their topic and have a higher average CPC compared to posting 2 or more blocks.

You can place the ad in the top middle bottom of the page as the footer of every page or anywhere else you want. Google will usually give you the highest paid ad it's prepared to give you in the first place to load. Do you know the load order of each element on your blog or website page? If not, check your source code (Ctrl+U) or follow your theme developer.

The first AdSense block that appears in the source file will be the first block Google finds. This block usually gets the highest CPC ads while the lower CPC ads are served in those blocks that are loaded later.

It pays to do a split test to determine the best way to increase your AdSense CPC. Run it for a few days with just one ad block and a few days with two ad blocks. In theory your CPC should be better because it should be filled with high paying ads. other splits test:

  1. A single header advert vs. a block of 4.
  2. A video ad vs. a text ad.
  3. A single ad at the end of a post versus a single ad at the beginning.
  4. Compare various placement locations.

Use channels (see next Tip)

If you find that in-house ads perform well with headline ads, that's a sign that readers are going to learn more about your blog before clicking on the ad. Many people avoid clicking on headline ads because it takes them away from the information they are looking for. Once they read Your blog post they may turn on click ads.

In this case an AdSense ad or two at the bottom of the page or at the end of the post may perform better than the ad at the beginning. Keep in mind that Google may offer AdSense up to a CPC for the first ad posted on your page then you may test shows where you are likely to get the most clicks.

So how do you determine which ad blocks are performing the best?

5. Increase AdSense CPC with AdSense Channels

You can set up tests using the AdSense channel. You can create custom channels to determine the CPC and CTR of individual ad blocks. Measure the performance of each channel within 2-4 weeks then design your AdSense strategy based on the results. Can create channels for individuals Ads or ad blocks.

This allows you to remove any low performance blocks or change their position on the page. Google may serve the highest paying AdSense ad to the best performing ad. That's because these advertisers are paying for maximum exposure. The maximum bid for a specific keyword can not only get You're at the top of page 1 of the Google SERPS for that keyword and you're also showing the top-performing ad blocks on the top-performing pages.

Custom channels allow you to determine the CTR and CPC of each individual ad block or even individual ads. You can determine if the revenue of a single banner ad exceeds the total revenue of each ad in the 4 ad blocks in the same position on the page. You can also set Compare channels for ad size.

6. Text, Image and Video AdSense Adverts

During your testing and custom funnel analysis keep in mind that some people prefer text ads to image ads while others prefer video ads. Many people consider AdSense ads to be text links and deliberately avoid them. However they might click on an image and even more might click on an interesting video. Google classifies videos as image ads - when the video clicks "play" you record a click. No need to play the entire video - just hit the play button initially.

Always remember that you don't have to worry about what your visitors will do after they click because that's all you get paid for. Attract clicks! It doesn't matter if the video quality is poor or even if it doesn't work! You get paid for the clicks! and AdSense Your job is to convince your visitors to click. When looking for ways to increase your AdSense CPC your job is to increase the price of that click.

Video ads can get clicks even if it's just for interest value - many people will watch videos but they wouldn't dream of clicking on a text ad. That's why it's so important to test the various ad formats offered by AdSense. Channels may be the best method for you Although some have their own method - usually by posting optional ads for a short period of time and comparing the results.

7. Why Google Recommends Image and Video Ads

You can only show one image or video ad at a time - you can't show a row of image ads like you can with text ads. This will focus the visitor's attention on one ad. The more popular advertiser manufacturers and service providers like to promote their brands. It means a sign or some Other images they include in AdSense ads.

It also means they are more likely to make videos to promote their business. These ads tend to have higher CPCs than simple text ads -- but only if the video content matches your page content well.

8. Increase your AdSense CTR for higher online revenue

As we've explained your AdSense clickthrough rate (CTR) is the percentage of visitors to your pages that click on an AdSense ad. So if you have 20,000 visitors per month and you get 40 clicks on your AdSense ads your CTR is 0.2% and if you get 500 clicks on your ads your CTR is 2.5% no matter how CPC You want your CTR to be as high as possible.

We provided some revenue examples at the beginning of this blog post and more here. If the average CPC that Google pays you is 40c the example above would give you $16 and $200 a month. If you can increase your CPC to 80c you can earn between $32 and $400 per month. better Your CTR is better for you - you have more control over ad placement than CPC!

Some people make thousands of dollars a month using AdSense on multiple sites. However even with just one blog there's no reason why you shouldn't use some basic common sense to maximize your revenue: place AdSense ads in the areas of your website or blog where people spend the most time.

9. Using Heat Maps

This information is available on so-called "heat maps" - representations of web pages showing where most people tend to spend most of their time and get the most clicks. By placing your personal AdSense ad or ad block in the most popular areas of your website then You should get the most clicks - a higher CTR and thus more revenue!

Check out our heatmap posts to learn more about how to use them to increase AdSense CPC and CTR on any website or blog. To be honest targeting only affects your CPC if Google's crawler considers the ad's position to be important (such as as a headline or near the top) page as "Google Saw"). It may affect CTR though see paragraph 5 above).

Heatmaps can indicate where people stay on your page the most and more advanced versions can indicate where they also click. In the example shown at the link above you'll see that most of the activity is on the navigation links, newsletters and content headers. Are these the same? The visitor clicked on the ad - you don't know but you can find out by using your own heatmap software. ClickTale is a good version - you can try it for free.

10. Top Ways to Increase AdSense CPC: General Tips

Finally we'll cover some general tips about Google AdSense:

Try to avoid link unit ads: These are ads where only one link will show many other ads (usually 5) when clicked. Visitors object to clicking twice and then getting the ad. They will either leave your site or learn to never click on such links.

Use the "Competitive Ad Filter" to block ads from specific competitors - even those relevant to your own niche. Why give your visitors the opportunity to visit another site that offers the work you do! You can block AdSense ads from specific URLs or even entire categories.

Ad Review Center: You can choose to block ad categories that traditionally have low CPCs. You can use it to block ads from categories not related to your site or if you'd prefer to advertise for yourself rather than allow AdSense to do so.

Advertising platform: It usually makes no difference whether your blog is displayed on a desktop computer laptop tablet or mobile phone. However mobile ads can offer higher CPCs in some cases so if you have this option use it. Make sure your website is available for mobile searches.

Improve the quality of your website: The higher the quality of your website or blog in the eyes of Google's algorithms or crawlers the higher the AdSense CPC of the ads Google may serve to you. High-quality backlinks work to leverage keywords and other on-page SEO and leverage Google+ and other social networking sites. Then you'll be more likely to get higher CPC ads for your niche. The extra work might be worth a lot of cash!

Top Ways to Increase AdSense CPCs: Summary

Fundamentally the main methods that enable you to increase AdSense CPC on your website or blog fall into one of three main categories:

Get good traffic data - Google places higher CPC ads on high-traffic sites

Focus your pages on the most expensive keywords for AdWords users

Use channels to increase your AdSense CPC

Place your ad carefully so that Google provides the highest CPC placements your visitors are most likely to click on and

Work hard to maximize your CTR - the percentage of your site's visitors who click on your ad can influence which AdSense ads Google offers you the highest paying.

Do all of this and you should be able to successfully increase the AdSense CPC on your site to the highest possible level. It may not be all in your hands but if you put in the work and understand what Google is looking for when placing its AdSense ads you should be doing a good job of achieving the highest possible CPC. Remember: This improvement will be converted into cash through your AdSense earnings.

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